Reddit Pixel for Shopify

In less than 2 minutes without any code at all, Civil Pixels adds the Reddit pixel to Shopify, letting you see how your ads perform. Are you ready to start tracking conversions?

Install the Reddit Pixel for Shopify
Reddit Icon Loop Symbol Shopify Icon

Get the Reddit Pixel without the tears.

Install 5 key conversion events and collect data without the hassle.

Reddit Icon

Figure out which Reddit ads work and which don't.

Civil Pixels automatically sends the purchase event to Reddit so you know when ads result in a purchase.

Install the Reddit Pixel for Shopify
Reddit Icon

See exactly what your visitors do with 5 conversion events.

Collect data with 5 tracking events that let you see how each visitor behaves.

Install the Reddit Pixel for Shopify
Reddit Icon

Super simple setup so you can get back to making money.

We make it super easy to add your pixel. Just throw in your pixel ID and we'll do the rest (don't worry, we'll walk you through it.)

Install the Reddit Pixel for Shopify

Start your free 7 day trial now.

Your plan comes with everything you need to upgrade your Reddit ads today. All for $15/month.

Start For Free

Your plan includes:

  • Complete Reddit conversion tracking
  • Priority Support - Replies within 24 hours
  • Tracking with complete conversion events using:
    • Reddit Purchase tracking
    • Reddit Add to Cart tracking
    • Page View tracking for Reddit
    • View Content tracking for Reddit
    • Reddit Search event tracking
  • A library of integrations and custom scripts that you can activate with:
    • Page view & thank you page triggers
    • Post-search triggers
    • Regular + AJAX add to cart triggers
    • Checkout initiation triggers
    • Order completion triggers